A Word About Security
All Pages On Our Web Site Are Now Secure!
The current trend is for internet browsers, like Edge, Chrome and Safari, to notify you whenever the web page you are looking at is not covered by an valid SSL security certificate, by showing it as Not Secure. Some even extrapolate by implying the whole site is not secure. Despite this trend, you can rest assured that this Napa High Class of 1969 web site is safe to use. Previously only the important pages on our site were secure pages, such as the login page, pages where you enter your personal information, and pages where you might buy something. Additionally, almost every page had required you to first have authenticated your identity, via the secure Login page. before viewing.
Our web hosting company, Class Reunion Creator LLC, finally offered a system where every page of our site can be secure, since that has become the norm rather than the exception. The new system required us to purchase an additional security certificate for our entire site, which we have done.
So no need to worry. Your personal login and our secure pages, coupled with our Privacy Policy, ensure a safe, state of the art security experience here.